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So as I haven’t been great at keeping up with the blog, I thought I would hand over the reins of this blog post to the incredibly talented makeup artist, Gaby Hunt. Gaby goes into a few of her top tips for makeup artists. Everything from prepping a model before a shoot to what to do while actually shooting. This is full of useful tips that I’m sure will be beneficial to new and established makeup artists.


I have been lucky enough to work with Matt for a few years now and together we have created some of my favourite pieces of work. It’s crucial to have the right team around you when working on shoots, people to bounce your ideas off and who inspire your creativity.

One huge thing I want to stress, to begin with, is not to compare your raw work with glossy images you see on Instagram and other media platforms. Makeup is an important part of any shoot but without the correct lighting, model, retouching etc it will only take you so far. This again comes back to having the right team around you; everyone has their role to play in creating beautiful imagery and there is no better feeling than seeing it all come together after a long day of shooting.

I wanted to share with you some simple tips for makeup artists when you’re testing with a creative team.


Prior to any shoot, I always recommend giving your models a prep sheet to ensure you have the perfect canvas and to make sure no time is wasted in the makeup chair. Mine tends to include the following;

  • Hair washed and blow-dried the night before with no product in it.

  • Skin exfoliated the night before.

  • Arrive with makeup-free cleansed skin.

  • Nude or no nail varnish (no chips).

  • No fake tan.

  • Any allergies must be disclosed prior to makeup applications. 


Once in the makeup chair, it’s important to take everyone’s ideas into account when testing and going off any mood boards that have been provided, to ensure continuity with the rest of the shoot. There really are no rules to makeup, but you do want to take your models features and colouring into account when creating a look on them - and don’t be afraid to try new ideas. A test shoot is exactly that; it allows you to know what does and doesn’t work when working on commissioned shoots. This is also a great time to expand your network and learn new things about your industry. I always try to take the time to get to know my models and share experiences with them, ask about useful contacts and any tips they might have. I find this to be helpful and at the very least, it makes for very interesting conversations. You will want to make sure you keep gum or mints nearby just in case, remember you're face to face.


Once the makeup is done, remember to always check how it comes across on camera; this may show up areas you need to touch up or tweak. Ask the photographer to do a test shot so you can make sure that everything looks good before starting the shoot. If the photographer is shooting tethered to a computer screen be sure to keep checking the makeup looks good as the images come through during the shoot and be on hand to make any changes necessary as you go.

Now you can begin shooting and this is where you will take on many more job titles than just makeup artist, such as;

  • Reflector holder

  • Stylist

  • Wind blower

  • Clothes clipper

After every shoot, the CV gets longer.

Make sure you get everyone's contact details at the shoot so you can stay in touch during the editing process. Your photographer may want your approval before sending out the images to the rest of the team. Once finished be sure to tag and credit everyone involved in creating these images, everyone's put in their time and deserves recognition for it. This also increases the chances of people and potential clients being linked to your page and seeing your work too.

The great thing about testing is spending the day in a fun, relaxed atmosphere with like-minded creatives. It’s allowed me to expand my network and form regular teams, making my job even more enjoyable than it already is.

A massive thank you to Gaby for taking over the blog. You can check out Gaby’s work on her website or her Instagram account via the links below:



Until next time!