I don’t have time! It’s a classic excuse and one that we’ve all used at some point or other I’m sure. Sometimes maybe it’s true but maybe at other times, not so much! We all have those things that we put off or don’t do under the guise of not having enough time in our busy lives, don’t we? It’s definitely an excuse that I’ve been using too much recently when it comes to the blog and my personal work, they always take a back seat as... ‘I just don’t have the time!’
“You do have time. You just don’t prioritize properly.”
What I realised though, is that this wasn’t and isn’t exactly true! When I was really honest with myself and I looked at how I’d spent some of my spare time over the last week, I found that I actually did have the time and I just wasn't using it productively enough. What I had really done was prioritised other things over the blog etc and now here I am playing catch up. I’m not beating myself up too much as I’ve still done the blog but I am holding myself accountable for it. That's the role of this post! It's about kicking myself up the arse to make sure I use my time more productively in the future to achieve the goals that I set myself.
Now, I’m not going to preach at you about how you should spend YOUR time, you do you! This post is more for me but if you’re really honest with yourself as well, how many times have you used the same excuse that I did of not having enough time when in actual fact you had prioritised something else as more important? Be honest! Are there things you could have achieved, goals you could have accomplished, relationships you could have worked on but perhaps it was easier to just say that you ‘don’t have the time!’ It’s a rhetorical one really but something to think about. Use your time wisely!
What would you do if you could turn back the clock and would use your time more wisely?