‘What do you desire? What makes you itch?’
I was lucky! From a young age I always knew that I wanted to do something creative! I found my passion for photography and I’m now extremely fortunate to be able to do something that I love so much as my job/career. This isn’t me boasting! As any self-employed person, especially in the creative industry, knows, it’s not always easy for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes we all need a little bit of motivation. I know I do!
It’s for that very reason that I wanted to share with you something by Alan Watts, one of my favourite philosophers (Google him)! I bet you’re thinking ‘what a pretentious tw@t, a favourite philosopher?!’ or ‘Here he goes, off on one of his hippy rants again!’ and I might well be haha but stick with me and watch the video!
Just a little something to make you think!
I know it’s idealistic and of course, it’s not easy to just ‘forget the money’ as we all have bills to pay these days. I’m not suggesting you quit your job and go and live in the woods making sculptures of hedgehogs either! Unless of course, that’s what you want to do? Your life your rules!
I guess I am just throwing it out there! Something to think about!
What do you desire?
It wouldn’t be a motivational blog post without a sunset picture now would it. I pulled this one from the archives to make the title. Shot on Koh Thonsáy Island in Cambodia while eating lots of fresh seafood!