So things have started to move fast with Creative Nowhere Land and the new website. The holding page is live ( ) and the framework of the website is built. If you haven’t been keeping up to date, Creative Nowhere Land has become something more than a blog on my photography site. It’s going to be my new personal project on the grandest of scales. In Creative Nowhere Land I can explore all aspects of my own creativity. A place where there are no rules or barriers and anything goes creatively. There’s a lot of exciting stuff planned and I have to say that I’m buzzing about it which can only be a good thing right?
It’s taken me a while to get to this point though and a lot of that comes down to ego and insecurities that inherently come with being creative. We live in a time where comparison is everywhere and as much as we try and stop comparing ourselves to others, sometimes we all fall foul of it. ‘Why is my work not like X’s?’ ‘What will other people think?’ Etc, Etc, Etc.
‘So what’s changed?’ I hear you ask. Well, I’ve spoken about mindset before and that’s it! That’s what’s changed! I don’t give a f#ck what people think anymore! That’s not me saying I’m going to become some crazy, sociopathic monster, or at least I hope I won’t. But it’s me accepting that it doesn’t matter what other people think. It’s about what I think and feel and what I want to create and not giving a f#ck about what that is as long as it’s inspiring me and pushing me creatively.
The way I see it is that anything that pushes me to be more creative is a good thing. The blog has done that and through writing it and coming up with different topics every week I’ve found myself exploring different aspects of my creativity and pushed myself to be more creative. There’s that ‘Creative Evolution’ I’m always going on about. I know you’re probably sick of it but it’s true! Focusing on my creativity and writing about it has inspired more ideas and concepts than I’ve had in a long time.
I’ve had a couple of people I’ve spoken to about it ask if I’m quitting photography! HELL NO! Creative Nowhere Land is a personal project and I’m still very much a commercial photographer! That’s my job and my passion and that’s definitely not going to change. I’ve got to keep a roof over my head somehow you know haha! But being more creative in all aspects will only benefit my photography work so it’s a win-win for me.
Anyway, I’m rambling again. I’ve got myself excited about the Creative Nowhere Land site and all the plans I have moving forward and pushing my creativity and ideas much further. That’s never a bad thing! Hopefully, I can inspire other people to push themselves creatively and stop giving a f#ck what other people think! Stay tuned!
P.S. A very close friend gave me this book to read the other day I haven’t even started yet but sometimes coincidences aren’t coincidences! Nice one JP!